
Galaxy Community Forum

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Home Galaxy Community Galaxy Community What type of support you need from other business owners in your same area? Reply To: What type of support you need from other business owners in your same area?

  • Miranda

    March 16, 2023 at 12:30 am

    What we need from other businesses in the area is inviting smaller scale/ newer businesses that do not have a facility, to utilize the spaces of already established businesses. Offering community events and support, and helping small business represent themselves is very important. Community Vendor events and Meetups help me a lot as a business owner. There are many ways to connect with people and network. I have even reached out to established businesses to place my products in their store. And I have products in a few places throughout the city of Los Angeles. I find it better to just put myself out there, I will call around similar like-minded established businesses and ask what they are offering. Connecting with the local Chamber of Commerce will get you connected with other businesses in the area. The Meetup app is a good resource to network and meet people. You may be surprised who may show up to an event if you decide to create a group on the app. Eventbrite lists events every week for vendor events and networking mixers.