Help you,hear,feedback,improvement

We Want To Hear From YOU!

Help you,hear,feedback,improvement

Feedback Survey

Potential New Services for Galaxy Members:

Business financing and loans through a proven and trusted partner at lower rates

Credit and debit card processing at lower rates

Website design and set up

Digital marketing services

Business plan creation and review - Free

E-Commerce and payment processing for your current website

An opportunity to win a bundle of valuable resources to help you and your company, including:

- Two free years of Galaxy Plus membership ($160 value).

- Be the featured business in the Galaxy Directory for one month.

- Automatic Galaxy Grant registration for two years.

- E-commerce set up and optimization.

- Two hours of private business mentoring with renowned small business experts Dr. John S. Butler & Hidden Star founder Mike Dewey.

- $2,000 of legal services for small businesses.

- $2,000 of one-on-one social media strategy and content development services.

- Free year of QuickBooks and $1,000 of set up services.

- Free copy of entrepreneurial book.

- $2,000 of credit repair or enhancement services.

Each ticket/ entry would be $10, to support Hidden Star, Galaxy of Stars, and entrepreneurs like you!