U Rock for Kids
- Categories:
- Education,
- Other,
- Social Services,
- Wellness Products / Wellness Services
Year Founded
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Business Description
U Rock™ for Kids is a movement to promote inspiration in strength, courage, friendship, self-esteem, and confidence. The idea for U Rock™ came about as a way to help kids feel encouraged, accepted, and reassured that they do, indeed, ROCK in their daily interactions at school or at home.
The idea behind U Rock™ for Kids is that ALL kids (and everyone from 1 – 100) can use a little encouragement from time to time. Sometimes it’s just a pat on the back, or some supportive words, or a mental “high five”, or even a big bear hug. Each one of us can use some kind of acknowledgment of feeling good about who we are and keeping a positive attitude—a reminder that we really can “be our best selves”. U Rock™ for Kids can boost self-esteem in a fun, humorous way that kids can relate to, with heartfelt slogans and attention-grabbing pictures that make it easy for kids to get the intended messages.
“U Rock” suggests building ourselves up and others up at the same time. “Do Good, Feel Good, Others are Good, I am Good.” Do something for others and do it for you!