Total Body Submersion LLC
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Business Description
I am Kiana Pauline, founder of Total Body Submersion. At the age of 5 years I encountered two near-drowning incidents that stuck with me and allowed me to channel them into expertise as a competitive swimmer, swim coach and aquatics personal trainer.
Drowning is the second leading cause of death among children ages 1-14, with 91% of death among children with autism. In particular, there is a deficiency in swimming pools among minority populations (*70% of African Americans are leading in water safety incompetence followed by the Hispanic community). Total Body Submersion’s mission is to minimize the risk of drowning by offering swimming, water-safety, and lifesaving instruction lessons on a broad scale, with a focus on marginalized communities. Our educational programming is tailored to after-school and summer camp programs at various community and approved residential swimming pools focusing on empowering, building confidence, and developing healthy swimmers.