Toss & Throws
- Categories:
- Clothing / Apparel,
- Interior Design,
- Other,
- Retail
Year Founded
Galaxy Discount
Online Store
This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for
more information.
Business Description
My name is Cheryl Wilson and I am the owner / designer for Toss and Throws based in Oakland, California. All of my items are hand crafted using African Mud Cloth, which comes from Mali Africa. Mud Cloth is hand-loomed, 100% cotton and varies in size and design; which means no two pieces exactly alike. I create one of a kind pillow covers, throws, unisex two way tops, and cross body bags. My creations are inspired by Mud Cloth patterns and colors making each item a unique piece of art. Please visit Tossandthrows.com to see if what inspires me inspires you.