STEPS By Kei-Che
- Categories:
- Artists and Art Galleries,
- Education,
- Media,
- Social Services
Year Founded
Galaxy Discount
Online Store
Business Description
S.T.E.P.S by Kei-Che’s mission is to showcase the evolution and enhancement of people learning American Sign language through gospel, contemporary, pop, and hip hop music. We embody rhythm and passion through creative use of American Sign Language (ASL), music and dance.
Our vision is to bridge the gap between the Deaf and hearing communities by providing education to all in regards to layers of marginalizations: microaggressions, miscommunication and stereotypes. We aspire to break barriers by learning, encouraging, rebuilding confidence, and celebrating each other’s languages. Songs To Enhance People Signing (STEPS by Kei-Che) promotes awareness through a movement, “Black Deaf Students Matter.” We also serve as community advocates.
STEPS by Kei-Che is founded by a Black, Deaf Woman. Therefore, the inspiration behind this program is a personal bridge for Kei-Che! Before STEPS by Kei-Che was founded, there was a minimal presence of ASL in the Cedar Valley (Iowa) area that uplifted Black and Brown communities. STEPS by Kei-Che aspires to employ and spotlight other Black Deaf creators.