Start Pediatric Speech Therapy, LLC
- Categories:
- Counseling / Therapy,
- Day Care / Child Care,
- Education,
- Health Care
Year Founded
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Business Description
At Start Pediatric Speech Therapy, we offer bilingual speech-language evaluation and treatment in Spanish and/or English. The goal of our speech-language evaluation is to assess your child’s communicative strengths and weaknesses. We have experience working with children with a medical diagnosis of autism, hearing impairment, childhood apraxia, expressive and receptive language disorder, developmental delays, articulation/phonological disorder, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, developmental delay, specific learning disabilities, fluency/stuttering disorders and more. Our evaluation and treatment plan are individualized to meet your child’s communication needs.
Our mission is to serve the community especially underserved children and families. We provide evidence-based quality treatments and evaluations. Our focus is on providing quality care and adequate resources to families to help them improve the quality of their child’s lives and build their communication skills. We are passionate about connecting families and their children to the community