
Project Backfire LLC.

    Project Backfire LLC.
    Project Backfire LLC.
    Project Backfire LLC.

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

Project Backfire is a father and daughter based project that creates props and other items for the haunted attraction industry.

Tayen is a 16 year old soon to be senior year homeschool student who requested to start a business as her senior year school project. Together, with his mechanical knowledge and her creative mind set out to make props for the haunt industry. During this next year Tayen is learning business math, public speaking courses, 10 week entrepreneurship course, and will begin FX courses to branch out her skills to add masks and other piece to the Catalog.
Tayen is 50% percent ownership of Project Backfire. We as her parents split the remaining 50% with Brent at 25% and I also at 25% making the business 75% female owned.