Philosophy of Hoe

    Philosophy of Hoe
    Philosophy of Hoe
    Philosophy of Hoe

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

Throughout my work as a clinical social worker, I’ve noticed within my training as well as within myself and society that sex and sexuality has always been this taboo topic. Parents won’t talk to their kids about sex, puberty or periods. We know as a society that sex education is not taught in most schools and kids are mostly likely to be told to remain abstinent *cue the “Don’t Have Sex” scene from Mean Girls*. In our society womxn are shamed for being sexual and enjoying sex and mxn are praised for being raped as little boys. We are taught about sex mostly through porn and only really truly learn about it if we take a college level human sexuality class.

There’s nothing wrong with being a sexual being nor looking at yourself that way. This store is a celebration of sexuality across all life forms, ethnicities, genders and sexual orientations.