

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

Motherful is a Black, Indigenous, Mothers of Color-led, multiracial grassroots collective of single mothers in Columbus, Ohio whose mission is to support, empower, and nurture single mother families through community, education, resources, arts and wellness. Founded in 2018 by single mothers for single mothers, Motherful is a living, breathing, radical vision of the collective future of motherhood. Our Collective currently has 326 members and continues to grow.

Together with our partners, supporters and volunteers, we are creating food security and education through our Motherful Resource Garage, Food Pantry, and Community Garden, feeding up to 50+ families weekly since June 2020. Our semi-monthly Community Dinners bring the collective together for hundreds of meals shared and makes space for children to play and participate in activities at our sponsor site, the Gahanna Two Fifty Four Youth Center. Through our partnership with the Youth Center, our collective children have access to their excellent programming such as Homework Hangouts, Movie Nights, Teen Nights, and more. Our monthly Moms Night Out sponsored by Saucy Brew Works Columbus brings moms together for social time and connection while celebrating their lives outside of motherhood. Bi-weekly Community Conversations via Zoom keep our members connected and learning with experts on issues and topics concerning single mothers. Monthly Wellness Events include outings to local spas, yoga studios, and more to provide respite and care for single mothers. We are building financial security with our mother members through building businesses such as Mama Love subscription boxes and also via emergency fund grants and direct giving. Our Arts actions include performance and activism that brings mothers’ voices to the stage and the streets, building a movement of expression and maternal justice. Our long term vision and goal is to build a Motherful Co-Housing Development with a Community Center in Columbus, Ohio. These are just some of the powerful offerings we have been brewing at Motherful.