Mo HD Creates

    Mo HD Creates
    Mo HD Creates
    Mo HD Creates

Year Founded


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Business Description

Mo HD Creates is offering Arts based education, creation and services for community growth. Through these means, Mo HD Creates is working to reduce the harm caused by racial prejudices, implicit bias and the implications of dominant cultures on BIPOC identities in institutional settings. We are working to create systems of equity, equality and access that can create platforms for marginalized communities to prosper. We are prioritizing BIPOC art creation as a means of providing representation, safe spaces and healing to BIPOC communities. We create opportunities for learning and reframing through our workshops, trainings, curriculum, presentations and keynote speaking engagements. Through these methods, we hope to see more decolonized methods used at an institutional level that support and empower more marginalized identities. We create opportunities for marginalized identities to tell their stories and heal through our arts activism performances and classes. The arts have proven to provide therapeutic healing, so we are striving to provide safe spaces for art creation as well as working to increase the visibility and voices of marginalized identities, especially in predominantly white art spaces. 


The main problem we are working to solve is a lack of community competence surrounding racial, social and physical equity within institutional powers in our Country. To combat this problem we provide opportunities for learning through workshops, facilitations and performances and opportunities for implementation through create programming and projects, curriculum building and networking opportunities. We work with business owners, employees, teachers, students, city officials and more to train, retrain, unlearn and learn ways to better support our communities through an equitable lens. Mo HD creates offers unique approaches to these techniques including drawing from lived experiences as a marginalized BIPOC identity as well as using nontraditional learning techniques which include body movement, play and theater. We strive to maintain a diverse team of facilitators as well as take time for our own professional development and learning to ensure we are including as many perspectives and ideas as we can. Safe spaces is also something we work hard to create and sustain that separates us from other organizations offering racial equity learning. Safe spaces are necessities for true epiphany and are crucial for vulnerable learning.