Mentally Cultured
Year Founded
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Business Description
Objective: Community and healing trauma holistically is the premise of what Mentally Cultured is built around and for. We specialize in trauma repair for African American families in the form of personal, social, and lifestyle wellness.
When Ms. Slay was given this assignment by God to soften the wounds of those who have encountered mental warfare without an outlet, never in a million years did she imagine it being as beautiful as it has become. Mentally Cultured believes that the mind and its strength can be renewed with the proper cultivation and we at Mentally Cultured have a premise of cultivating- Romans 12:2. Even as a child, Ms. Slay witnessed and identified within her own parents that the disparities of depression and alcoholism that they faced could have been prevented if they had access to the right tools, a tool that would help renew their minds and their strengths. With Mentally Cultured, we aim to be a prominent resource to families, creating a safe space that is equipped with the resources to support overcoming trauma holistically.
Empathize. Educate. Empower. Evolve.
What does it mean to be mentally cultured? To walk in your truth with confidence and to strive to continue to grow within your holistic wellness through seeking out the tools for your journey. MC began as a visual representation through our sister brand Smile Memphis which offers positive apparel through affirmation buttons. Our most popular button is “ It Takes Courage To Love” plus sweatshirts and t-shirts with the encouraging slogan “Smile Memphis”. Our organization as of today has held multiple wellness events that unpack the importance of wellness being a part of one’s daily routine while unlocking the power each person innately possesses to make themselves a priority in their journey. Each participant walks away feeling seen and empowered. The premise of each encounter with our community is to Empathize, Educate, Empower, and evolve. We instill the confidence to aid in one being mentally cultured.