Mahogany Snow Creations

    Mahogany Snow Creations

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

The serene vistas of the Midwest stirred a passion within me to embark on a new journey – one that led me to pursue mixed media art as a full-time vocation! In January, my brainchild, Mahogany Snow Creations, was born, and with it, my Etsy store (MahoganySnowCreation sans the “s” due to character constraints) that specializes in literary greeting cards and (soon) prints. My craft is an amalgamation of collage-style art that incorporates rare library ephemera, pays tribute to literary motifs, and pays homage to favorite writers, especially writers of color. I am artistically inspired and driven by the power of the written word; it propels me to create unique pieces that exude a bohemian aura. As I strive for artistic excellence, my next endeavor is to create an independent website that reflects my creativity and individuality, unfettered by the constraints of Etsy.