Luxe Body Sculpts LLC
Year Founded
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Business Description
Luxe Body Sculpts helps to bring solutions to those who are struggling with their body shape and size, utilizing advanced non-invasive solutions. Not only is surgery not involved, but you can see a notable change in your body in just one single session (in just one hour.) We assist your weight loss efforts effectively & efficiently, so you can get to your goal body in a quicker time frame than if you were dieting and exercising alone.
In addition to helping people lose and burn stubborn fat, we also offer non-surgical solutions to those in need of giving their breast or buttocks a lift, naturally & safely; using advanced vacuum therapy techniques. The size of the buttocks can increase as much as 70% in a single session, and is equivalent to doing 1500-3000 squats. Luxe Body Sculpts specializes in being a one stop-spot for resolving all of your body problems & insecurities, enhancing you to become the best version of yourself.