Living Life After Meth LLC
Year Founded
Galaxy Discount
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Business Description
140 people will overdose and die today. How? Why? With a record breaking number of new rehab centers opening up all over the country, shouldn’t the numbers be going down? Yes, but they’re not. What could possibly keep the numbers from declining? Why aren’t all these new treatment facilities making an impact? The answer is simple and the solution is easy. Unfortunately, our society today refuses to accept it, support it, implement it, or even acknowledge it. Today, our communities are advocating for, well, the opposite of recovery and they’re calling it “harm reduction.” They want users to come to medically supervised safe injection sites where they’ll be furnished with sterile syringes and can shoot up in private eliminating the risk of judgment, ridicule, and slander from all the non-users and haters. Basically, if you believe that an addict can quit and never use again, never relapse again, if you believe in “cause and effect” “ you play with fire you’re gonna get burned” then you must still believe in consequences. Good or bad, consequences are the results of our choices, our decisions, and our actions. There’s no way around it. This also means that, yes, to the person who drove home drunk but didn’t quite make it before crashing, you lying in the ICU in critical condition fighting to stay alive is the consequence of your choice to drive drunk. But today, if you say anything like that, if you dare insinuate that someone is responsible or should be held accountable for their actions, you are cold, heartless, primitive in your barbaric way of thinking and I say to you, “Hi, I’m Tera it’s an honor to meet you and welcome to the actual fight against addiction. I am living life after meth about to celebrate 19 years clean only because I know what it takes to never relapse again, to maintain recovery and live the rest of your life in genuine freedom and happiness. I advocate for real recovery and help those who truly want it by teaching them what they need to do. I am all about ending addiction and saving lives. I am a firm believer that every one of us faces the consequences of our actions no matter how horrific or barbaric in nature, that ain’t my fault. You made your bed, now lie in it. You are free to judge all you want and free to call me every name in the book except heartless. When I say that this girl’s overdose death is a consequence of being an addict, I mean it because it’s just the truth. Does that mean I don’t sympathize or care? Of course not! If you disagree and believe that I truly am heartless,I want you to know that I buried my kid sister in February 2024 after she overdosed on fentanyl died while in the hospital surrounded by medical personnel. I do this so more families don’t have to suffer the crushing heartbreak that mine did. I do this because recovery is real it’s attainable, it’s available to anyone anywhere anytime and I will continue helping pull as many people as I can out of the pits of hell z a bad teach them how to live a life free from addiction. Yes it’s true I have an E-Commerce store on my website with all kinds of stuff for sale, it’s how I fund what I do. I also work a full time job in Seattle which pays my personal bills and all the money from sales and donations goes right back into the business and keeps afloat .