H.E.L.P. Nonprofit Organization
- Categories:
- Business Services,
- Counseling / Therapy,
- Day Care / Child Care,
- Education,
- Environmental,
- Other
Year Founded
Galaxy Discount
Online Store
Business Description
H.E.L.P. Nonprofit Organization (NPO) was founded in October 2020 during one of the craziest pandemics in our history. That was only more motivation to get the ball rolling with the nonprofit organization. HELP stands for Healing Each other & Loving our Peeps which is what we are all about.
H.E.L.P. Nonprofit Organization is geared towards youth and young adults from low-to-moderate income in the greater Houston and surrounding areas.
The purpose of this organization is to provide educational training for life and also give back to charity and our communities.
We provide mentorship and teach our students personal development, life skills and sustainability through educational training.
The ultimate goal is to help improve the quality of life via extending a helping hand through afterschool and Saturday weekend programs teaching youth to develop positive life skills, coping skills, modeling good citizenship, responsibility, morality and character.
H.E.L.P. Nonprofit Organization (NPO) is in need of sponsorships and donations. If you would like to be a sponsor or donate contact helpnonprofit2021@gmail.com today!