H.E.A.L Hair Care

    H.E.A.L Hair Care
    H.E.A.L Hair Care
    H.E.A.L Hair Care

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

H.E.A.L (Herbal Essence Ascending Love) Hair Care was created out of utmost appreciation and love for herbal remedies. Through detailed research and experimentation, we have been able to curate herbal hair products that promote hair health from a deeply cellular level. The goal is to produce herbal hair cosmetics that aren’t just a temporary fix like most commercial products today, but to ensure permanent healing and repair for all hair types.

Our balms, creams and hair mists contain herbs such as Angelica Root, black seed oil, Korean red ginsent, ginger root, Aryuvedic botanicals, and much more all for the healing and regeneration of beautiful crowns around the world! The incorporation of herbs is essential to our healing and H.E.A.L Hair Care is on a mission to bring forth wholeness from within so you can shine bright from without!