
Grants 'N Such, LLC

    Grants 'N Such, LLC
    Grants 'N Such, LLC
    Grants 'N Such, LLC

Year Founded


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Business Description

Grants ‘N Such (GNS) is an organization that researches grant opportunities to provide funding for 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit organizations (helpers).  These organizations engage in activities to assist people and communities in need.  The needs vary per circumstance, location, and condition.  However, they all work to improve the lives of people in this country.  GNS, albeit a for-profit organization, restricts most of its work to help organizations that are helping others.  Profits are used to pay writers and researchers for needed equipment and make in-kind donations to some nonprofits.


Most nonprofit organizations do not have a grant writer on staff or access to one.  GNS receives numerous requests for assistance with grant writing.  It cannot fulfill the volume of requests it receives.  The average nonprofit organization starts with very little funding.  They see a need.  They believe they know how to meet the need. They request the IRS to fill the need.  Once approved, the reality of funding becomes an immediate awareness.


Grants ‘N Such was formed by Carolyn Darden, who functions as the CEO and chief writer.  The training and experience of Ms. Darden is the foundation of the company.  She is a member of the American Association of Grant Professionals and a graduate of The Grantsmanship Center.  In addition to her work for the Detroit Public School system, she served as a grant reviewer for the State of Michigan and the Michael Jordan Foundation. Promoted from grant writer to the Director of the department, she represented the District at grant application technical assistance meetings at the U.S. Department of Education, Michigan Department of Education, and other funders. As part of her Director’s duties, she trained and supervised other grant writers.  In addition to her administrative responsibilities, she continued to serve as a grant writer and procured millions of dollars in grants for the District.


We are helpers to the helpers.

The goal of GNS is to help nonprofits (“helping organizations”) meet their communal goals. By doing so, it leaves organizations to focus on their “good works.” This process makes GNS a vital part of the help that communities and individuals receive.  At the same time, supplemental income and critical intellectual stimulation are provided for the grant writers, most of whom will be seniors on fixed incomes. It would be a Win! Win!