
Good Vibes Women’s Business Roundtable

    Good Vibes Women’s Business Roundtable
    Good Vibes Women’s Business Roundtable
    Good Vibes Women’s Business Roundtable

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store


Business Description

Our Mission

To bring together like-minded business women for the purposes of streamlining financial resources, leveraging industry expertise, employee and community engagement while brokering professional and personal support such that each member builds a stronger foundation for their own businesses and is better able to assist other women with building theirs.


The Good Vibes Women’s Business Roundtable Academy (GVWBRA) is designed to assist business owners in creating a business plan. This business plan will provide a roadmap from which to operate and to look for direction with short and long-term strategies that will ensure that milestones are met. The Academy’s Program includes structured classes that extend over a six-week period. Our structured model allows for business owners to meet the weekly requirements of the program, by scheduling an agreed-upon time with their accountability partner, watching various pre-recorded business sessions, and reading short articles that support individual business goals. #GoodVibesRoundtable