Good Days Fashion

    Good Days Fashion
    Good Days Fashion
    Good Days Fashion

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

Good Days Fashion was created in March 2021. It offers women’s clothing, beauty products, shoes and accessories. Currently it is solely operated online, however I plan to open a physical location in St. Robert, Missouri in October 2022. Good Days Fashion caters to women of all sizes and styles. Our goal is to provide our customers with the best products and services to ensure the greatest customer satisfaction. We strive to ensure that our customers experience with us is seamless from start to finish and exceed their expectations.

I started this business, because I wanted to build my legacy and what better way to do that than starting a business about something that I am passionate about. My love for fashion started with my mother, as a child growing up in Kingston, Jamaica, I always admired my mom’s sense of style and fashion. When she would go to work, I would sneak in her closet to try on her clothes and shoes and pretend that I was getting ready to go out. In that moment, my passion for fashion grew immensely and now as an adult, I get to live out my dream of being a business owner in the fashion industry. My journey to get here has not been easy, but I always remember the bigger picture. Now that I’ve started my business, I can pass on my knowledge to others, who are trying to take their first step in starting their business.

Always remember, “What separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” -Steve Jobs