Eshè Apparel Co, LLC
- Categories:
- Artists and Art Galleries,
- Clothing / Apparel,
- Consulting
Year Founded
Galaxy Discount
Online Store
Business Description
We are a small clothing company operated out of Tallahassee, Florida and Atlanta, Georgia. This company was founded by CEO Jessica Levon behalf of communities of color. The line, Eshé Apparel, or Life Clothing was created to fund communities of color and serve its purpose educating youth about what it means to be a person of melanated culture.
To be a small Black business is a wonderful privilege and opportunity that we are hoping to share with all minorities like us. Our featured designs are 100% hand printed and custom drawn by us! We are our own manufacturer and believe in a quality product. Through a step by step process we create each garment and leave a lasting New wave of Consciousness throughout.
This apparel line is more than just your run of the mill clothing items, it’s to help educate and erode the systematic racism that we see in our communities, schools, and on social media.
Most kids don’t have access to textbooks let alone texts that tell the realisms of history. We aren’t just talking about slavery here, were talking about all of the discredited African-Americans in history: inventors, actors, singers, engineers, chemist, billionaires and the list goes on.
While in school, I noticed this disparity by founding a group called A.L.A.A.I. We were the adolescent league for Afrikan- American Improvement, dedicated to teaching and educating all children about themselves and also inspiring others to do the same.
Eshé Apparel.Co is dedicated to educating all walks of life about Our Story, Our history, and Our legacy.