Dem Chakras

    Dem Chakras

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

Peace and Blessings, I’m Christian Kearson also known as DemChakras, your self-appointed accountability partner. Through holistic practices, event cuartion,Podcasting, and Manifestation Merchandise; I, your Ratchet Righteous lifestyle influencer assist you with getting you together! I believe that personal evolution is the hardest to achieve due conditioning and anxiety (alongside other uncontrollable factors). My goal is to assist you in a better way of being without you feeling like you had to compromise your integrity and overall self in order to achieve your definition of greatness. I am the curator behind Motivational Minutes each weekday on Instagram (@demchakras) where I share what I learn through my journey in hopes it encourages and enlightens others. It’s all becoming “Who You Be.” without apology and I assist in you doing just that!