Creative Works Studio

    Creative Works Studio
    Creative Works Studio
    Creative Works Studio

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

Creative Works Studio LLC demonstrates healing arts through the art of painting in a new way! We spiritually train our art instructors to interpret canvas paintings to assist our clients in therapeutic art painting sessions. The gift of interpretation of the arts and the psychology of colors together provides a wealth of information to successful mapping throughout our innovative art therapy sessions. The owner Crystal Williams is also a certified art therapist, faith-based counselor, certified life coach and mentor with a strong passion to help the young, old, distressed and forsaken heal from pass/present trauma, find purpose:  rediscover greatness, rebuild confidence and recover all after trauma. Creative Works Studio LLC has created a culture of artist who are willing to paint God’s heart on the canvass to reach all communities and thrive in purpose.


“Healing Hearts & Discovering Purpose One Canvas at A Time”