Creative Passions Retreats & Quilt Shop

    Creative Passions Retreats & Quilt Shop
    Creative Passions Retreats & Quilt Shop
    Creative Passions Retreats & Quilt Shop

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

Creative Passions has four retreat buildings in Chesaning, Michigan to accommodate scrapbookers, quilters, knitters, and hobbies of all kinds in groups of two up to 52, during the week or on the weekend.  We provide a space for your group to get together, similar to a hotel or bed and breakfast, where you can work on your favorite hobby for days at a time!  We also have on-site massages and pedicures which can be scheduled during your stay.  Our most recent addition is a Quilt Shop, centered in between all the retreats, to supply items you forgot, or to start a new project.