Chidi Fashions
- Categories:
- Clothing / Apparel,
- Fashion / Clothing Designer
Year Founded
Galaxy Discount
Online Store
Business Description
Chidi Fashions is a fashion company owned by three Nigerian sisters. According to the Nigerian Igbo tribe, CHI-DI means God is present. Their foundation can be traced back to their deep roots in faith and pride in the African heritage. As immigrants in the United States, they experienced significant limitations in our pursuit of the American Dream, so they created their own path. They are a physical testament that if you want something bad enough, believe in it, persevere through setbacks, and never give up, it will happen. When you wear CHIDI, they want you to feel inspired to pursue your dream, empowered to see untapped opportunities rather than limitation, and be strengthened by their story to rewrite yours. They are women whose roots run too deep to give up.
Chidi Fashions offers affordable afro-modern clothings to both men and women. They also serve as fashion consultants, providing impromptu fashion advice, styling and guidance to clients according to their respective preferences and budgets. Furthermore, Chidi has a strong online presence and continues to seek ways to grow while providing value to its clientele and community.