Bowling Electric Machinery, Inc.

    Bowling Electric Machinery, Inc.

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

We offer decades of experience in sales and servicing of electric pumps, electric motors and more. We offer water feature pumps, irrigation pumps, pool and spa pumps and more.  Hvac blower motors, condenser fan motors, fireplace blower motors, farm duty motors and more.   We also manufacture our own dock de-icer as well as our own dual probe thermostat. Our dock pumps are always up to Ameren codes for safety! We strive to keep your dock safe as well as easy and fun to use.  We also offer dock lighting as well as LED and hard to find lighting.  We work with large and small companies, nursing homes, schools and individual home owners.  We are so much more than just a machine shop!