Beautifully Broken With Purpose LLC
- Categories:
- Clothing / Apparel,
- Fashion / Clothing Designer,
- Retail
Year Founded
Galaxy Discount
Online Store
This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for
more information.
Business Description
We create Faith Encouraging tee’s for broken women of faith. Our goal is to uplift, drive God-Given purposes, bring healing & messages will speak life to any broken area. This business was birthed because first I Am Her (Broken Woman of Faith). There is such a cry for broken women of faith to be seen, heard and most importantly know that we may be broken, but beautifully done with a purpose. Brokenness is looked at in the world as a bad thing. In fact it is not, but used for one’s God Given purpose. How can one know what being made whole feels like if they’ve never experienced brokenness?. This is a question I was asked by God. Wearing our tees will answer and help many broken women of faith on their journey to healing.