Baw$e Aesthetics Beauty Lounge

    Baw$e Aesthetics Beauty Lounge
    Baw$e Aesthetics Beauty Lounge
    Baw$e Aesthetics Beauty Lounge

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

Baw$e Aesthetics is a black woman owned beauty & wellness lounge. We provided services such as Lash Extension, Facials, Waxing, Body Sculpting, Teeth Whitening, Makeup services and Nail services. Baw$e Aesthetics Beauty Lounge is a house for young entrepreneurs to provide a professional and luxury environment at an affordable cost. We pride ourselves in to giving back and giving equal opportunity to hard working entrepreneurs who want better for themselves but simply can’t afford their own personal suite or studio.