Another 1 Fights The Dust

    Another 1 Fights The Dust

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store


Business Description

Another 1 Fights The Dust performs thorough cleanings of houses and small Offices using cleaning supplies and equipment. We clean according to scheduled times set by a homeowner or whom ever is in charge.

Cleanings/Deep Cleanings consist of:

  • Scrubbing and sanitizing bathrooms, toilets, showers, and sinks.
  • Scrubbing and sanitizing all kitchen fixtures and appliances.
  • Dusting ceilings, light fixtures, picture frames, tables, and chairs.
  • Spot cleaning doors and frames.
  • Vacuuming and mopping all types of flooring.
  • Performing interior window cleanings.
  • Vacuuming carpets and upholstery