Aille Design

    Aille Design
    Aille Design
    Aille Design

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

Aille Design (pronounced: eye) is an ecommerce brand that works with the blind and visually impaired community to co-design fashion forward clothing and accessories with fully legible braille beadwork.  The braille on our items range from physical descriptions to empowering statements and are designed so that the braille is the focal point of each piece.

We started this company to address the lack of disability representation in the fashion industry, and to build conversation about the importance of accessibility. Our personal relationships with the disability community offers a unique understanding of what the market is missing. Through this process, we’ve built countless relationships in the fashion industry, collaborated with visually impaired celebrities, and established strategic partnerships with organizations such as, the American Foundation for the Blind. Together, we create pieces that are functional, fashionable, and appeal to both visually impaired and sighted consumers.