A.F.M. Urban Arts

    A.F.M. Urban Arts
    A.F.M. Urban Arts
    A.F.M. Urban Arts

Year Founded


Galaxy Discount


Online Store

This company operates primarily through their online store. Visit their website for more information.


Business Description

I hope to raise awareness of mental health through my art. I want to encourage people not to be ashamed of their feelings. There is a lot of emotion in my works because I want to show that even our negative, poisonous emotions can be used to create beautiful results. I use a lot of bold colors, patterns, and abstractions in my art. I believe this positive distraction allows you to focus on art and release stress. As your mind wanders through my art, your mind will forget your problems. I even intentionally leave some imperfections in my work when I draw to send the message that you focus on your imperfections; you make them bigger than they really are. If you look at the wider picture as a whole, you won’t even notice the mistakes. The art looks great overall. Similarly, we humans can focus our lives by looking at the big picture. We need to realize that our imperfections make us great and we all have flaws. My art takes your imagination to a new level. Many people avoid getting mental health help out of fear, confusion and even pride or ego. Getting help is the best thing you can do for yourself and your loved ones. God wants us to live this life abundantly without demons trying to use our struggles to bind us. When we don’t seek help, we open the door for Satan to come in and take over our actions. Then we feel worse and it becomes a vicious cycle. Mental health does not improve by itself, it requires total commitment. Never be ashamed to struggle with your mental health, I struggled with mental health for many years but when I decided enough was enough, it stopped controlling me. You can get help through prayer and therapy and not giving up is the only way to get through the fight in my opinion. If any of you need prayer or are looking for help, please contact me. You can find my contact details on the contact link or fill out the contact form. Ask for help! You are not alone! God loves you and so do I!